
How To Make Money As A Cosplayer

How Yous Can Cosplay On A Budget To Save Some Money

Want to make a cosplay simply don't want to spend a lot of money? Here are some pointers to do so!

Difficulty Very easy

Budget Less than $50

How to cosplay on a budget
Images Courtesy Winterstar Cosplay

Let's be honest hither — cosplay can be EXPENSIVE. It can rack up hundreds of dollars in costs for tools, materials, wigs and makeup, and more. And that'southward not even taking into account travel and photography expenses. These seemingly high costs tend to turn people off; people wanting to get into cosplay for the starting time time might come across those huge, astonishing costumes that toll a thousand dollars or more to make, and think "Wow, I could never afford something like that, and then therefore I can't cosplay."

How to cosplay on a budget

But while cosplay CAN be expensive, it doesn't take to be! I take completed multiple total cosplays for nether 30 USD, and I've washed cosplay photoshoots and attended fandom-related events for costless — I know from feel that it's absolutely possible to cosplay on a budget! Whether you have 300 USD, or but xxx USD, you can still cosplay! As a matter of fact, you can even cosplay for free, with simply things out of your closet!

But how do yous do it? Information technology tin sometimes be tricky to pull off, but there are several different strategies I've learned while cosplaying on a upkeep, to make the whole procedure much easier.

Offset off is planning alee, and having a budget. While having some sort of plan is ever, in my stance, important for cosplay, information technology'due south particularly important when y'all're working with a low upkeep. You lot demand to know how much money you have bachelor to spend on the cosplay, what materials and supplies you'll need, and how long you lot'll have to consummate the project. For instance, if you look at your budget ahead of time, you may realize that yous can't quite afford the all-time fabric, and still be able to make the prop, so you'll know right then to buy a slightly cheaper material instead. Or, if you know you lot have a long time to complete the cosplay, you lot tin can take time to shop more advisedly for supplies, knowing that you accept plenty of time to look for the all-time deals.

How to cosplay on a budget

In short, planning ahead is important. Even if you only have a vague budget, and a loose timeframe, it'south ameliorate than naught. In addition, for nigh all of my cosplays, I like to make a shopping list, then I know what I'1000 going to be looking for, besides as my estimations for how much it all might cost. That fashion, I know what I'1000 looking for, as well as having some idea of how much it will all cost. Now, can these plans modify? Of form! Things come up, things change, and you'll well-nigh certainly have to adjust your plan in i style or another while yous go forth with your cosplay. That's just how it goes! It's totally fine, and totally normal. You do what works best for yous, and your cosplay.

Speaking of which, the side by side thing to discuss is the actual making of the cosplay. Of grade, you don't have to really make your cosplay if you lot don't want to. Store bought cosplays, closet cosplayers, and thrifted cosplays are all totally valid. Equally a affair of fact, if you're on a budget, you might not be able to beget getting six yards of premium cloth brand-new, and the all-time option might exist using something from your cupboard, or to thrift a nice drape to utilize instead.

For my Jacquelyn cosplay, shown in a higher place, I thrifted nigh of the cosplay, while making some things like the scarf, and the spyglass, from scratch. In addition, I used my natural pilus instead of a wig. All of these things added upwards to make the cosplay end up costing less than xx USD to create (for those of you lot outside the The states, that's non very much!), which was great for my low upkeep.

How to cosplay on a budget

Information technology's up to y'all whether you decide to make your unabridged cosplay from scratch, thrift it, buy it brand-new, or practice a combination of all iii. How you lot decide to become about information technology depends on the cosplay, the graphic symbol, your skill level, your budget, your timeframe — so many unlike things! I personally like to make at least some attribute of all of my cosplays, but that'southward just a personal preference.

For this final segment, I wanted to talk well-nigh what to practise once you've finished your cosplay. You lot might want to want to accept it to a comic convention, or take some overnice photos of it. But con tickets tin be expensive, and professional person photographers can be a lot of money equally well — not without a good reason. But these things can be a bit tricky if you're on a budget — how practise you get around it?

Well, for comic cons, take some fourth dimension to look around in your area! There may exist free local events happening. In current times, they may non all be in-person, but they don't have to exist. There are a ton of online comic cons, and many of them are costless to attend likewise, which can exist dandy for someone on a budget.

In addition, many in-person comic cons will sell tickets to their events for cheaper further in accelerate, which is where planning ahead comes in handy.

How to cosplay on a budget

And what well-nigh nice photos? Getting proficient photos of your cosplay can actually assist yous feel like it'due south completed, at least in my experience. Well, with the quality of smartphone cameras these days, anyone tin exist a photographer. You don't need to purchase a fancy DSLR, or hire a lensman to become nice photos. About of my cosplay photos were either taken by a family unit member, or were self-shot, using a self-timer and remote trigger. It'southward a neat way to become some dainty photos without having to pay a ton of money for information technology, which is ideal when yous're on a upkeep. As a matter of fact, both of the photos above were cocky-shot in my room, using a smartphone.

All in all, I hope this helped yous meet that yous don't need a ton of money in order to cosplay! You tin can absolutely cosplay on any budget. If you desire to cosplay, you lot should do it! Don't let fear of high costs concur y'all back. Cosplay, every bit I've now proven, doesn't have to be expensive. Get forth, and cosplay!


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